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“If you haven’t started helminthic therapy then you haven’t even started treating your case.”

Helminths (aka worms) are an essential part of the bodies microbiological ecosystem. These organisms have learned through the evolutionary process how to control our immune system. For some people the lack of hookworms (helminthic deficiency syndrome) creates unchecked inflammation, and a myriad of mental, emotional and physical symptoms.

If you have been recommended to our page and are researching our practice, you probably have tried other approaches that haven’t worked.

If your like us you have tried conventional, modern medicine approaches that haven’t worked. You tried alternative, natural, naturopathic and homeopathic approaches that haven’t worked.

Us too. :)

So this practice ends up with a lot of cases that haven’t been helped after trying a variety of approaches. That is ok and fun for us, because it’s interesting to try and solve those cases and tremendously satisfying when we do.

More about how we are approaching things now………

I graduated from naturopathic medical school in 1995 and had several successful practices that treated thousands of people.

I was pretty happy because most people got better, through homeopathy or herbal medicine or diet changes, or allergy testing, or any other good idea I could apply to the case.

Yet I felt something was missing, there was always about 5% of people that did not get the great response they deserved. I was one of those people.

I tried for years to figure it out. I felt so frustrated for these beautiful, determined committed people. Most of them had tried and failed conventional medicine and were so desperate that they were grateful for the 50% improvement that I could give them. I was not satisfied with that.

I racked my brain on every one of these patients. Not only them but with my own family. Everyone in my family has autoimmune disease.

I understand the position and some alternative health care practitioners take….that modern society has created environmental challenges…and that pollution, adulterated foods, etc…can stimulate auto-immune disease.

The fact remains though that some people get autoimmune diseases and some don’t, even in the same enviornment.

So the must be other, important factors at play. One of those factor is our evolutionary relationship with helminths (worms).

Well at 17 years old, after getting mononucleosis (mono), my son was diagnosed with primary biliary sclerosis, a life threatening autoimmune disease, one of the worst. Even worse for me than the diagnosis was the fact that none of the things I tried worked, conventional or natural. His liver laboratory test showed liver inflammation ten times normal. Everything I did seemed to make him worse. So frustrating.

At my wits end, I read everything I could about autoimmune disease for a year. Finally having read everything…I found I was back at the beginning of my search…re-reading articles for the second and third time.

Then… I saw one paragraph in an article about ancient stool samples they had studied around the world… remember I told you I read EVERYTHING….

This article talked about how ancient people with Viking DNA had the highest concentration of hookworms of any population they studied. I stopped in my tracks. Wait a minute here…. aren’t these the same people that the Romans and Persians described as being beautiful and powerful in their looks and nature?

I pulled on this little thread of information. And I found the information I was looking for. Modern society has been conducting an experiment for the last 100 or so years. What happens to humans when you remove their normal hookworm populations. The answer is autoimmune disease and cancer.

Every human being had hookworms prior to modern society, every primate has a hookworm population, every mammal has a hookworm population, the dinosaurs had hookworms.

The experiment is not GIVING hookworms to people. The experiment is REMOVING hookworms from people. Some people will never have immune balance without hookworms to control their inflammation.

I tell these people they are like a car with three wheels. It is just a matter of time until something happens. We can try, and I have tried to compensate with putting sand bags on the other side of the car. Sand bags like homeopathy, minerals, vitamins, chinese herbs, western herbs etc, etc.

But I believe the only way to correct the underlying problem is to reintroduce the RIGHT hookworms into the body. That is the “art” part of this approach, which exact worm works for which exact person.

I wrote a book about it. You can read it easily online from this website. I am lucky to have the experience of having what is most probably the largest helminthic practice there is.

And my son with the autoimmune disease (primary sclerosing cholangitis) … well he has had normal laboratory tests since three months after starting hookworm therapy.


We do not take insurance as we do not provide medical services.

Nothing on this site should be considered medical advice. Information is provided for your education/reflection/amusement only. Website and all information is produced and published from the great state of Phoenix, Arizona (c)2023.